
Paper on network robustness in Transportmetrica A.

We have published a paper on network robustness in Transpormetrica A. Please see here for the electronic version of our paper.

S Wandelt, X Sun, X Cao: Computationally efficient attack design for robustness analysis of air transportation networks in Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 11 (10), 939-966

Paper on air transportation country network in TRE.

We have published a paper on air transportation country networks in Transportation Research Part E. Please see here for the electronic version of our paper.

S Wandelt, X Sun: Evolution of the international air transportation country network from 2002 to 2013 in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 82, 55-78

Paper on 4D trajectory compression in ITS.

We have published a paper on network robustness in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Please see here for the electronic version of our paper.

S Wandelt, X Sun: Efficient Compression of 4D-Trajectory Data in Air Traffic Management, in Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on 16 (2), 844-853

Paper on air route network similarity in TRE.

We have published a paper on air transportation country networks in Transportation Research Part E. Please see here for the electronic version of our paper.

X Sun, S Wandelt: Network similarity analysis of air navigation route systems in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 70, 416-434